

The documentation, images, brands and any other material published and reproduced on this site is owned by Luigi Lazzaris & Figlio S.r.l, or allowed by third parties in use to the Luigi Lazzaris & Figlio” s.r.l. and no responsibility is taken in relation to both the content of what is published on this site and the use that third parties might make of it, both with regards to the possible computer infections deriving from access, from the shared connection, from the download of material and information programs from this site.

Therefore, Luigi Lazzaris & Figlio s.r.l. wil not be held accountable on any grounds for damage, losses, detrimental effects of any kind that third parties might incur due to the contact intervened with this site, or following the use of what specified in the publication, as of the software used. Any information communicated spontaneously by website third parties can be freely used by Luigi Lazzaris & Figlio s.r.l.

Luigi Lazzari & Figlio does not take any responsibility with regard to the preparation of recipes published and reproduced on this website and is not answerable for the potential presence allergens in the recipes.

Luigi Lazzaris & Figlio s.r.l. invites users to verify the presence of any recipe ingredients that might be considered damaging for health.