100g sugar; 100g butter; 1 egg; 2g ammonia powder (from the pharmacy); Vanilla; Lemon peel; bitter almond essence; 125g flour ; 125g super-fine flour
For the garnish
Lazzaris Organic Apricot extra preserve as required; Icing Sugar as required
Mix together the sugar with the add, then add the vanilla, the bitter almond essence and the lemon peel, add the egg and then at the end add the sifted flour together with the ammonia.
Let the mixture rest for 30 minutes in the fridge and then roll out the pastry dough and cut into rings.
Cook in a hot oven at 160° and leave to cool. Boil the Lazzaris apricot extra preserve for a few minutes and then spread inside the two pastry rings.
Leave to cool and dust with the icing sugar.
Viale Venezia, 72 – 31015 Conegliano (TV) – Italy – Tel +39 0438 60668 / +39 0438 61116 – Fax +39 0438 60423 – lazzaris@lazzaris.com
REG. IMPR. TV, C.F. – P.IVA 03934780267 – Cap. Soc. € 20.000,00 i.v.