The table for Christmas lunch

Christmas is coming with its traditional family lunch. Starters, main courses, second courses and desserts, just not forget that looks also count, especially during those special occasions such as Christmas lunch.

Setting the table with Christmas decorations, spreading a little bit of magic among the dishes, will make even more pleasant the experience, and the dishes will taste even better. We will give you some suggestions for this Christmas in order to set a perfect table for your traditional family lunch.

1 – Traditional Christmas is served

Tavola Natale

Where to start in order to set the perfect Christmas atmosphere? Decorations will be chosen after your personal choices, even though there are some details to paid attention to if you want your table to be ready for special occasions.

First of all, colours: those of the traditional Christmas, painted in red, green and gold. Balance among elements is essential: a country style dining room, decorated with warm colours and the roaring fire, will be perfect with a table laid in the most traditional Christmas style. Porcelain dishes with Christmas decorations, coloured glasses, garlands along the table, ribbons and Christmas tree balls, will adorn everything: your table will become a second Christmas tree and sitting around your table for lunch will be delightful.

2- Giving Christmas a modern touch

Tavola Natale

You can conceive your Christmas and its magical atmosphere in a more modern and sophisticated way, without losing its essence. White and silver will be perfect to adorn the table for your Christmas lunch, especially when the location is a modern and minimalist room: more refined, but surely it will not be less Christmassy!

Some decorations for the table are essential: for each guest, glasses and wine glasses with different shades and sumptuous decorations, in the middle of the table there will be some elegant floral arrangements made with garlands, silver flowers and snowflakes, next to some elegant chandeliers with their gentle light.

3 – Handmade decorations and seat markers

Tavola Natale

Shops and markets offer a lot of hints to buy Christmas decorations for anyone, vintage or modern ones, traditional or peculiar ones. What about a very unique something for this Christmas lunch? Something we did with our hands, thinking of those people who are going to spend that day with us, something you can give them as a souvenir at the end of the lunch. You just need a pinch of creativity and some simple materials: coloured ribbons, golden pearls, old objects you can breathe new life into, creating centrepieces and personalized seat markers is easier than ever.

A simple, nevertheless, surprising idea to decorate your table? Create some personalized candle holders recycling your empty Lazzaris pots for jams and mostarda! You’ll just need to wash them and decorate them with ribbons and glitter, place a candle inside and that’s it: you can realize a candle holder for each guest and place it on the table to indicate the seats.